Your Local Computer Consultant



Technology has become more than just computers, it encompasses devices and access never imagined even just a few decades ago. From cellphones, to tablets, to iPads and computers of all makes and models, Eastport IT can help you purchase, configure, or solve your technology problems with your devices. Eastport IT bring years of network management, software design, and technical project management experience in its tool bag for each and every client on each and every project.



Marketing is all about choosing the right medium to convey a message. To this end, one must ensure that the message conforms to the medium or it is likely key objectives will not be reached. At Eastport IT, we evaluate your needs and offer tailored solutions that meet your needs and fit the method best suited for your intended audience. Whether you need campaign brainstorming, copy writing, press engagement strategy, website building, ad design, tweeting, Facebooking, developing Mobile Apps or all of the above and more… we can exceed your expectations.

Graphic Design

Graphic Design

Design is not just words, colors, or imagery… it transcends these and encompasses the entire “plan” or “objective”. With a solid foundation in design, Eastport Information Technology is a full-service, one-stop resource. From photography, to graphics, web, social media, even the most complicated publishing project… we can handle it all. With 20 years of experience in the design field, Eastport IT will render your vision with a fusion of information and art.

Need comprehensive solutions today? Think Eastport IT Call Us Today!
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The Eastport Information Technology Team

Michael C. Pachler, Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
A career IT and Design professional with numerous years of hands-on experience with business and personal computers. With experience ranging from Freelance Designer and Network Engineer to Chief Technology Officer for an internet company, Mike is familiar with the challenges of today’s computer world and possesses skills in everything from configuration to training. He believes hardware, software, or operating system issues can usually be resolved with the right approach – too often brute force is used when finesse is the ultimate remedy.

Interested in learning more about my availability? Feel free to email, call or message me on Facebook!

(410) 916-6400

506 President St., Eastport, MD 21403

My portfolio is a compilation of a small selection of my creative projects, websites, logos and photographs. If you’d like to see more, please ask!

Living in the Annapolis area since 1998 has influenced my portfolio in many ways — the lifestyle, community, and location are the perfect creative environment and backdrop. Also, living and working primarily in Eastport has provided several unique opportunities to explore the waterfront and its many facets.

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I brought my pc to Eastport IT because it crashed and would not restart… I thought it was toast, but Mike was able to trouble shoot it quickly and replaced the RAM and it was good as new! He saved me from buying a new computer – well worth what I paid  and then some!

I thought my pc was a goner! I thought my pc was a goner!

Anne C., Annapolis